What creates a good System Architect?

Is it knowledge of Application Development? Is it understanding complexities of Products and Technologies? Is it understanding databases? For Enoch, the answer was understanding puzzles and knowing how to put the pieces together. But most importantly how to take the pieces of the puzzle and reuse them when needed.

One of the biggest issues facing business is how do you find solutions to fit the needs of the workers. Larger companies employ development teams to create or extend applications to help discover the right solutions. The difference between a Developer and a System Architect is usually seen in these development teams: The Developer focuses on programming tasks to get the application finished; The System Architect focuses on creating a system that makes development faster and easier to maintain while focusing on how it can work in the future.

Developers can rarely break out of the development and focus on architecture due to the necessity of bug fixes, system failures and application fires. Enoch was fortunate early in his career to be able to work on large projects that required planning and design before development started. This education allowed him to understand framework design and best practices to create applications and systems that can grow with a company and not just required maintenance fixes to stop bug issues.

As an example …

He created for Henry Schein a system that allowed users to define processes that onboard new clients. The finance team responsible for registering the company’s 30 products for their 1000s of clients held the knowledge of each products registration process in key personnel. Enoch was brought in to help alleviate the pressure of the team. This ended up in an application flexible enough to tackle any process change needed (manual or automated) and required no development maintenance. The application was for the users so he empowered them to fix issues without them relying on a development team.

The result: This application, architected correctly, saved the company 1.3 million the first year of use and resulted in happier workers who felt their employment path wasn’t stifled.

And that is the power Enoch brings to business: Enhanced Productivity and Profits while Empowering workers to grow.

“A good architect, designs a system tying multiple pieces together, and when designed properly help those who use the system to grow their professional potential.”

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